Thursday, 26 January 2012

words are easy..

       I've heard so many times in practice 'words are easy'...and of course they are...yet if you allow them drift through your defences and into your heart they are a gift.There's another magical word ---allow....this is especially for us men folk.Allowance gives us the oppertunity to loosen up our control of ....our past..the list is long, I know, yet you can make a start.This allows a greater sense of freedom within, a lightning up of the spirit,a sense of the road coming up to meet us. The old ' resistances' start to fall away.
   What comes after the words is aspect of our heart centre. Courage to follow through on the change that occurs to us when we let 'allowance ' in.
    Courage to follow up on this change and to see where it takes easier path for sure,but not necessarily easy.
   Yet when you have witnessed this change and felt the 'lighter' you, then there is really no going back.
  So words can be a start...courage to take the next step then a deeper sense of 'allowance' to see where it takes you.An ongoing journey to let go of control....and wait for TRUST....again.If you are uncomfortable about using the word love, cause its to 'new age' then trust is a word that I feel is more poignant and emotive and gets under our defences to our issues. 
    In these difficult times I feel we are being asked, time and time again to TRUST.To let go of all the stuff we try to control, all the times we try so hard to be perfect, be strong,all the "shoulds","got to ", "must do". The time is now to let go of all these "drivers' from the past and make a courageous effort to FLOW.
   For too long now we've "driven" ourselves too hard ..and to what end...
The time is NOW to flow with the music and rhythms of the Soul.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012


       The inner journey or soul journey is an 'easier' 
 path to follow yet not necessarily easy. As of 28th oct 20011 the end of the nine waves of the Mayan calendar of human evolution.(see my we are now in UNITY Consciousness...albeit at the early stages..this means we are no longer being guided by the 9 waves of human evolution.Instead we have taken all we have learnt/understood from this past process and are applying it now, for ourselves...WE are in charge of our evolution...there is no set 'pattern' guiding us!!!
   I know this can be overwhelming yet it is how it is...WE... YOU...ME...I..ARE NOW CO-CREATORS OF HUMAN EVOLUTION.
   WE'RE IN CHARGE...yet of course there is resistance to could there not be...we are still in the early stages of unity consciousness and there are so few of us who are aware of this or are awake in general...just look around you and observe the matrix is still resisting change and indeed still seeks to control us.
    Easy it is not...yet all of you who are awake realise that this is the path...and it is easier than the old path of controlling others to get our needs met.
   This time is about an ever deepening recognition that ..
    And of course this has always been the truth..its just that we have forgotten.We have allowed our fears to overwhelm us and control us and others.. 
   We now have a clearer choice and the universe is supporting us.

Within us All

        There comes a 'time'in everybodies journey when the soul stirs and the awakening process starts.This is the process of a deepening self awareness,a process of blossoming into the true love and light that is within us all.
    WITHIN US ALL...lets make no secret about this..the light is within us don't have to 'get' it...achieve it...aim for it..climb the karmic ladder...forgive yourself....fight for's there..given to you by yourself.
    WITHIN US ALL.....WITHIN THE light, THE love THE wholeness....don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
    Those who have sought to control you have told you what do do to get the light.This is not true...the light is don't have to say a specific mantra,pray 10 times a day,pay your financial dues,pay your karmic dues,pay for your sins...
   All you need do is give yourself some quiet space and time to listen to the peaceful inner voice of your own soul/light.
     The time we are in is massively supportive of this awakening process hence the large numbers of people who are practising healers,yoga teachers,wellness practitioners, chiropractors, osteopaths,applied kinesiologist, homoeopaths, accupuncturists...
    Yet there is resistance to the change on both a personal level and at a collective level.
    The soul/spirit gently urges us to release old patterns of behaviour that no longer serve us...but this is difficult as these patterns are well entrenched and in the past have been a "good" approach to life.The more we resist this change the more we will have physical symptoms and the more we attract 'outside'uncomfortable influences.
   This journey is not easy, yet it is 'easier'.

Monday, 23 January 2012

2012...a commonsense European view.


The curious thing about 2012 is that it is a future event...i'll repeat that,it is an event in the future.This clashes with quantum thought.."all is now-the now point is the point of conscious creation"
           This is the "new" approach..
   BEING...THINKING...ACTIONING' conscious creating.
The 'old' way is linear...past influencing the present that creates the future..and we now were that has led us. This is a horizontal approach.
BEING...THINKING ..ACTIONING.. is a vertical 'thing' an up and down 'thing'. The two cannot meet.
Linear thought to linear action(some still just "action"-reactive/compulsive without pausing for thought)is an ancestral programming or illusion(tibetan budhism).
        All this is changing rapidly and this change is concerning many,many kind decent folks.This is bringing to the surface real internal conflict..the old paradigm is digging its heels in while the "new" paradigm is gently but firmly going about its business...introducing us to the reality of wholeness/love/compassion/unity consciousness not the illusion of the matrix.
    Most folks are doom and glooming over 2012 yet re reead the above..we can change the 'future'..its in our hands...or should I say, It's in our BEINGNESS...THOUGHTS...ACTION..
   Lets stop transferring our past linear fears, doubts, negativity onto our present thus onto our future...