Monday, 20 February 2012

Nibiru-the archetype

      Astronomers pretty much agree our sun is a 'twin' to the star Sirius(trinary system).Others believe that there is another star,as yet undiscovered that our sun has a close gravitational attraction to.
      I agree,it is a brown dwarf star with a single planet orbiting it.This planet has been called Nibiru or the 12th planet.We've been told that astronomers have not discovered it. I seriously question this and leave the reader to make his own inquires.Why has the vatican built an observatory in Antarctica? I also believe that,in the past, Nibiru has entered our solar system causing cataclysmic catastrophes.The most obvious time and the most catastrophic was 11,500 thousand years ago causing the downfall of Atlantis and the subsequent ice age.
       In other passes through the solar system it is my belief it has upset the orbits and poles of Neptune and Uranus and caused the catastrophic destruction of a planet that was between Mars and Jupiter and now all that is left is the asteroid belt. I leave the reader to once again explore this for herself.

      On to Nibiru's archetype.
        I would describe Nibiru as a lone wolf,out on its own in the cold reaches of our solar system with little warmth from its brown dwarf sun and even less from our own Sol.
      It gets its heat from the internal planetary dynamics of a hot core and the shifting of its tectonic plates.This provides enough warmth to sustain life below the planetary surface.And when it enters our solar system the planetary surface temporarily warms up and the life below comes to the surface.
      So, this lone wolf, this lone traveller spends much of its time surviving in extreme cold and lightless conditions but internally has taken the inner warmth to survive...just.. and make a whole civilisation out of it...a warrior,bullying,domineering society with only two real motives conquer and to survive.(think,the 3rd reich).
      Any form of wisdom,equality or rational understanding is ruthlessly hunted down and at all cost, destroyed totally and unequivocally.
      Survive and conquer all who get in their  way at all costs no matter what.This archetype seems pitiless, callous,cold hearted without warmth,empty.
      Yet nothing is totally beyond healing,beyond redemption.
      All living beings have the light within,love within or they would not exist.
      All beings are deserving of healing and redemption all they need do is ask.
      Lone Wolf does the wolves that we know a great injustice..probably a better description would be Hound from hell.
      This archetype,like all archetypes are in the collective and personal consciousness but as yet, presently we are not awakened to Nibiru's archetype fully.
      Yet, Nibiru has made a number of transits through our solar system when there was humans on earth so Nibiru's planetary consciousness has left its imprint at both the collective and personal level.Maybe its imprint is particularly noticeable in our history of global empire building and its tyrants.Maybe this is another archetype where we get our notions of "hell" from.
      Yet as Nibiru gets closer to our sun (your sun) it warms up and what was below comes to the be seen... to be warmed.. to have sunlight shine on it..maybe for the first time.Whole generation of Nibiruins never ever see sun light.They see only the glow of the internal light of the planet.A bit like the glow from magma at our earth's  core.
      So how can we empower ourselves to make productive and long lasting change free from fear and anxiety?How can we bring balance to this archetype?
      The only way to stop attracting this type of energy is to see it in ourselves first, then make real changes in our internal landscape,and then and only then will real change take place in our external landscape.(this goes for all archetypes).
      Change our own contextual field and then we will change the inner 'attractor' so that the outside will have nothing to get its hooks into.
     You only attract what you need to see as a reflection of what's going on inside of you.If there are no internal attachments,then no hooks from the external can come into your perceptional field.
     As this planetary archetype comes into our awareness more and more we will develop a greater understanding of it and hopefully of ourselves.
     This is an opportunity for us all,as individuals and as a collective to bring about wholistic change and to reach the highest potential of our own individual path and of us all, as a species.
      Never forget that every moment is full of potential to reach its highest possibility of expression.
        Update-20th April 2012.Archetypes will reflect their presence in the body as an ache or pain or symptom,therefore I sense that because of Nibiru's violent,dominant survivalistic outlook it will manifest in the body as muscular aches and pains all over with no real pattern. A bit like as if you've been run over by a bus and you haven't been doing anything physical at all.

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