It is the fundamental energy of Being. It is the Jungian Libido-the force that drives all psychological functions. Just as the physical sun is the life giver to all of the solar system ,so the symbolic archetypical Sun is the basic energy of which all other human archetypes are specialised reflections.
The Sun represents light,consciousness,day and is the ultimate expression of Yang.It is energising principle of all motion.
As male/yang the Sun is the archetype of will,power and desire but not necessarily sexual desire( sexual desire is part of the Martian archetype). It has a sense of 'wanting to'.It represents the energy that exerts itself upon and influence whatever may exist.
The Sun does not simply accept but always seeks to change and improve.Above all it seeks room for greater expression of it's self.It seeks to shine in it's own unique way.
The Sun gives us integrity as a being.
It is the will to exist.Yet will meet outside forces that will seek to destroy its expression or change it into something that is not.
How many of us actually 'know' what our Sun is?
How many of us folks truly allow our Sun to 'Shine'?How many of us have been swayed by outside forces to become something that we are not?(like a bonsai tree..twisted this way and that at the behest of our ancestors, teachers, authority figures,gods)
The Sun is the archetypical hero bringing order to chaos through imposing his will.He undergoes a series of trials and challenges on his journey against the power of darkness,to prove his strength and worthiness.At sunset,like the Sun, he descends into darkness to wrestle with the monsters that lurk there.After proving his worth and right he ascends triumphantly into the morning.
This isn't just a poetic story,this is a journey we all need to go through but currently we are unconscious of it's archetype and therefore does become manifest.
The Sun is a ruler so represents kings and queens,presidents, governments, and employers.
The Sun also represents the physical body and its energy.A Sun that shines will have more physical energy and a more robust, healthy body. Obviously the converse will give a person a weaker physical body and less physical energy in life.
The Sun needs to be the centre of attention within the group to provide the energy so others can live and act, yet it also seeks acknowledgement of this.
As the astronomical sun is the centre of the solar system providing energy for the other planets so by using this analogy we can begin to see how vital it is for us to get to know and understand our own personal archetypical Sun and its shining influence on our other planetary archetypes.
The negative side to the Sun archetype is arrogance, boastful, an over estimation of their own worth.
Another aspect of the Sun's maleness is the Father.This could be the yang energy in the mother parenting the child or the child's experience of the father though not necessarily the actual father.
As a component of the Father archetype the Sun can represent all authority figures.It also represents the shaper of the will of the child,particularly to be a free independent 'Shining' being in it's own right.
Let us now look at the astronomical Sun...the beautiful shining orb in our skies that gives life force to all of existence and without which life would not exist.(as a by line..try a sun meditation by getting in touch with the entity/soul that is the sun).
It's mass accounts for 99.86% of the known solar system.
It's chemical composition is 75%hydrogen and approximately 23% helium,(remember this is similar to Jupiter's composition.) the remainder is oxygen,carbon, neon and iron with trace elements.
The sun's energy is created by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium.
Currently there are a number of notable anomalies in the Sun's behaviour that cannot be explained.
The first crucial anomaly is the sun is cooling and getting dimmer.Yet massively contradictory to this observation is that all the planets in the solar system are getting warmer,including ours.
Even the furthest most planet Pluto is getting warmer.How can this be? Also Pluto's atmospheric pressure has risen by 300%.!
Secondly, the solar winds speed has dropped by 3% and its temperature by 13% and its density by 20%.Again,scientific evidence that a reduced amount of energy available in the solar system.
Also the gas giants Saturn and Jupiter are giving of more energy than they are receiving(over unity). Why?
Mercury has a magnetic field and the presence of ice on a supposedly dead planet.
Mars has global warming and huge storms and polar ice cap melting.
Venus 2500% increase in aural brightness. Substantial increase in global atmospheric changes in 30 years.
Saturn's 'spokes' were present in 1980/81,but by 2003 they had disappeared.Increased x-rays from the equator.
Uranus was a cloudless blue globe in 1986 but by 1996 there were profound changes in its atmosphere with many clouds visible.
Neptune's Great Dark Spot disappeared in from the southern hemisphere in 1994 only to re-appear in the northern hemisphere by 1995. 40% increase in atmospheric brightness.
Pluto furthest from the sun has 300% increase in atmospheric pressure.
Non of these observations are from fringe science and I suspect things are much worse.
These are all very big changes within our solar system and currently there is no working scientific model that can explain this.
The next article will draw together everything and bring in the pseudoscientific theory of hyper-dimensional physics,mayan calendar predictions and Nibiru and my own personal insight and repeated vision.
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