This article will bring together the previous articles on the archetypes and astronomy of the Sun and Jupiter. I will introduce a Mayan prophecy and the pseudo science -hyperdimensional physics.Then I will share my own vision then tie it all together with my own insights.
So far all the previous articles have been on relatively safe ground but I feel this presentation will introduce a quantum leap in our understanding.It will sound a bit 'out there' but I feel from my perception I am making a choice to share this publicly and see where we go from here. Evolution is a work in progress and the final chapter is still to be written.We're in this together and none so more than now,less our species ends up travelling up a cul de sac.
As the reader I can suggest you review the previous articles,do your own research and above all listen to the pulse and rhythm of your own Soul, at all times.
I feel we are moving away from a group consciousness with a few individuals shining, to a collective consciousness of shining, individual souls all SHARING our journey together.Where each Soul truly knows her path and that each one of us truly knows 'you are another I am '
'I am another you'
All of us authentically CO-CREATING together in a harmonious, musical fashion free from script and conditioning.Being the Authors of our own journey.
However I've been around the block enough times to have a reality check on any fanciful notions of an idealistic world view. We are just at the very early stages of this journey of Unity consciousness. After all it was only 28th October last year that the 9 waves of the Mayan calendar ended.So it's early days yet, but it is here, and it is here to stay, so resisting this change and evolution is a futile exercise.Go with the flow of your own Soul's prompting,it's guidance and wisdom and then dynamic action follows on.
In this section I urge the reader to do their own in depth research and see where it takes you.It is a vast subject covering mathematics,astrophysics, geometry, and political intrigue.I will out line a shorter version of it here.
Hyperdimensional physics is a pseudoscience or fringe science based on mathematical and geometrical foundations that involve other spatial dimensions.
It has a 100 year old history as part of the burgeoning scientific inquiry into theories that involved non-euclidian geometry and other spatial geometric dimensions.At this time the giants of modern physics, Kelvin, Faraday,Maxwell, Helmholtz had a rich and full tradition of this currently unknown field; that our 3 dimensional reality is only a subset of a series of higher, hyperspatial additional dimensions which control the physics of our very existence, from planets to galaxies to life itself.
As with so many things new or different(read Pasteur's personal journey in formulating the Germ theory) the then scientific community and the current scientific community have totally ignored this history of scientific exploration and have indeed even amended, ridiculed, edited it, and altered it to suit themselves.(e.g. the deliberate editing of James Clerk Maxwell's original mathematical theories, by Oliver Heaviside, that are now taught as standard.Heaviside thought that Maxwell's description of Hyperdimensional space[aether] was...'mystical..and should be murdered from his original theories').
Hyperdimensional physics(HD) holds a tenet that these unseen hyperspatial realities, through information transfer between realities are the foundation 'strings' that maintain and create the reality of this dimension.This 'leaking' through from other spatial dimensions actually creates the world we live in and are so familiar with.
Hyperdimensional physics hold a tenet that vast amounts of energy originates from these other spatial dimensions and that they participate in driving planetary movements. At or around 19.5 degrees latitude for all the planets in the solar system ,including the sun there is an energy 'upwelling' and we can observe these energy upwellings throughout the solar system. They are clearly observable on Mars as Olympus Mons, Neptune's great Dark Spot, the Great Red Spot(storm)on Jupiter,the erupting volcanoes on IO, and our own Mauna Kea volcano on Hawaii. Also during the peak of a solar cycle, sun spot activity is clustered in and around 19.5 degrees!
Another tenet is Maxwell's double tetrahedron circumscribed by a sphere.The Hyperdimensional theory puts one of these double tetrahedrons within each planet of our solar system and our Sun,with an energy outlet point at 19.5 degrees.
Jupiter's Red spot.
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Neptune's Great Dark Spot |
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Mar's massive extinct volcano |
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Olympus Mons |
Accepted scientific models have so far been unable to explain these infrared excesses.
It is my view that these heat 'excesses' are an effect from the Hyperdimensional physics at work through-out our solar system.
Other evidence is the odd cloud formation at Saturn's North pole.
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note the hexagon shape cloud formation. |
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Saturn's cloud formation reflecting the hexagon/tetrahedron from the 4th spatial dimension. |
The sun has very little even though it holds 99% of the solar system mass, it possesses less than 1% of its total angular momentum.The rest resides in the planets...especially Jupiter!
Following on from Angular momentum ,HD physics predicts that one large planet or two smaller planets will be discovered in the farther most reaches of our solar system. Hence,Nibiru and more yet to be located.
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note the position of the sun.If HD proves right then the two undiscovered planets would shift the sun to an alignment with the rest of the planets. |
So, in summary we have solar system wide 'global' warming, tetrahedral physics with a manifestation of other reality energy "leaking" through at 19.5 degrees and angular momentum with 2 'missing' planets and 'over unity' showing itself on Saturn and Jupiter.
A Mayan Prophecy.
I'm not going to add to the general 'doom' and 'gloom' stuff that is out there (see previous articles) so I shall keep a clear and common sense viewpoint about this Prophecy.It is my experience/witness that the 9 waves of the Mayan calendar ended last year on the 28th of October and what we are experiencing now is the very early feelings and manifestation of Unity Consciousness. I feel very much a part of this new awakening and I am participating in it to the fullness of my awareness.Hence I am very comfortable with the Prophecy of the Maya which has been running alongside their evolutionary calendar.
The Maya have a very clear Prophecy but are honest to admit they do not have a date for it. They state very clearly that there will be a second sun in our solar system.Literally a second sun in our solar system.
What are the likely candidates 1)Nibiru.
If it were to be Nibiru, I feel it would be to small,not bright enough and doesn't have any 'fuel' to ignite and burn as a star. And as a regular visitor to our solar system it is to damaging and not transformational enough, given that we are living in such a heighten period of transformation.Though I do feel that Nibiru will make it into our mainstream astronomy , media and therefore public awareness.
Also, given the archetype of Nibiru I feel that it is too aggressive and 'dark' to 'light' up our solar system as a second sun.Though it still has the potential to stimulate transformation.
The most likely candidate is Jupiter.
Jupiter's four major satellites are ideally positioned and have volcanic activity,water, and atmosphere to become orbiting planets to this second sun.
A solar system within a solar system.
I sense this would be an evolutionary step 'forwards' and of benefit to humankind.
So you would get up in the morning to TWO suns in the sky and the night would cease to exist because of the perpetual light coming from these two sources.We would forever be in light.Or forever 'in the light'.
For us, physiologically there would be profound changes.
1)Our hormone system would have to adapt as the normal circadian rhythms would be altered due to a reduced melatonin levels( as the sun goes down this causes an increase in melatonin which triggers sleep.)
2)Sleep patterns would be altered and all its concomitant changes in our day to day life and consciousness.We all know what it feels like to go without sleep.!
Environmentally there would be profound changes to our seasons leading on to profound changes in crop cycles, animal breeding cycles etc.I will expand upon this later.
Socially I would suggest it's not going to be a good hair day!Yet we can choose differently and see this an an evolutionary benefic(Jupiter's gift and 'positive' side shining in a transformed, more 'energetic' way.)
So the archetype of Jupiter, the great benefic would be transformed into the archetype of the sun but with a difference.
The difference is that this new sun would give life to its new nursery solar/jupiter system and by extension its archetype would be tailored to the embryonic life forms developing on Io, Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa.
So how would the archetype of a metamorphosed Jupiter into a second sun affect us? I will expand upon this later but briefly a second sun I feel on the whole would benefit us as its a transformed benefic Jupiter to a 'lesser' sun.
Yet a vital archetypal source to its own 'solar system'
The whole purpose and research of the previous articles have come about as a way of understanding a vision I had 3 years ago.
I am by no means a person who gets caught up in flights of fancy , yet I an not going to diminish or dismiss this experience.That is why it has taken three years to make sense of it explore it and then to share it.I an very aware of the weird and wacky stuff that is out there in the 'new age' community and on the internet, yet I cannot dismiss this vision.
The vision was so clear, so real even more real than the chair you are sitting on. It's as if the anatomy of the reality in the vision was more real, more permanent, more of the real stuff of our truest selves than the 3D world we live in.It was so tangible, so 'this is it' so 'the real stuff' so 'authentic' so 'isness' so 'continuous' so 'benevolent'.
Anyways, here is the vision.....I was taken off the planet, out of body yet in another more wonderful light body, by the most benevolent,kindest,lovingly intelligent beings you could ever image..and then some.
I was shown the Earth....our home...our beautiful blue green jewel in space.....and I wept..for all of humanity...if they could only witness this....then there would be no wars....and we would have paradise on earth.
We then moved through space to Jupiter and hovered over all its majesty and magnificence...then it ignited and expanded into a massive fireball that quickly settled to become a second Sun...a birth...a new being in the solar system....I had witnessed a birth... a beautiful birth...and like all births full of potential and joy...
Needless to say it was the start of yet another journey...which I share with you....and we are the Authors..the story is still being written.....
Ross x
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